Jack DeJohnette
Jack DeJohnette

Shawn Pelton performs with Midnight Ramble Band
Shawn Pelton performs
with Midnight Ramble Band

Valerie Naranjo of Mandara

Valerie Naranjo of Mandara

POOK and Energy Dance Company

POOK and
Energy Dance Company

COBU - Japanese Taiko Drumming

Japanese Taiko Drumming

Board of Advisors:

Kevin Brady
Ceres Technologies

Jack DeJohnette
World-renown Jazz Musician

Milton Glaser
Milton Glaser, Inc.
Graphic Design

Holly Green-Emerick
Granddaughter of the late George Hamilton Green, Composer / Xylophone Artist

Michael Lang
1969 Woodstock Festival Producer

Pat Metheny
Award-winning Jazz
Musician / Composer

Steve Reich
Prominent American Composer

Alan Steel
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center

John Storyk
Architectural Acoustician & Partner
Walters-Storyk Design Group

Ruth Underwood
Former Percussionist with Frank Zappa

Board of Directors:

Garry Kvistad
Woodstock Percussion, Inc.

Diane Herrick-Kvistad
The Woodstock Chimes Fund

John Bilotti
Executive Producer
Wall Street Jazz Festival

Mark Marshall
Interage Media Works

Michael Berg
Executive Director
Family of Woodstock

Richard Goldman

Pierre-Luc Moeys
Oriole 9 and Yum-Yum Restaurants

NEXUS with Nick Attanasio

NEXUS with Nick Attanasio

Bob Becker, Nick Attanasio, Russell Hartenberger, Garry Kvistad, Bill Cahn